Getting into God's Word
I’ve really felt God wanting me to write on this topic for a while now, and since then, I have spoken to quite a few friends who are really struggling with reading their Bible at the moment, so I’ve taken that as a sign from God that this is what He wants me to write on this week! I know for most people – in fact probably for every Christian at some point in their life – reading the Bible can seem like a big and daunting task. It is such a big book – well, a book of many books, really - covering so many topics, and it can seem impossible sometimes to know where to even start or to persevere with reading the Bible when you get to some of the trickier and not-so-easy-to-read books. I know this was the case for me. Last year, I really struggled with reading the Bible. I was trying to read the whole Bible in a year (which I didn’t quite finish and still haven’t quite!), and I had read all the New Testament books and just had some of the harder Old Testament books left, which I ha...