A Heart to Serve
One of my passions that God has really been using and speaking
to me about recently is serving. I have always loved serving, caring for and
helping others, but recently God has shown me that it is a gift He has given me
and has been showing me why serving is so important and also how rewarding it
is. So in this post I want to share with you what I have been learning.
Serving shows Jesus
to others -
Last week I was at an amazing youth week-away. As well as
worship, teaching, prayer and fun and games, in the mornings we were running a holiday
club for the children in the local community and then a lunch club, serving the
kids and their parents a free hot meal each day. It was amazing to be a part of
serving the community and seeing the reactions from the kids and parents. One
couple’s reaction sticks clearly in my mind: It was the last day, and we had so
much food left over, so one of the leaders gave them a big Black Forest gateau
to take home with them. They couldn’t believe that they had just been given
this gateau for free – they were in complete shock from this small and simple
act of kindness, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw their faces.
Sometimes all serving is, is a simple act of kindness to make someone smile; something
small to brighten someone’s day. And sometimes it can be bigger things – going
on a mission trip, serving in your church or doing your neighbours shopping.
But whatever it is, as we do it, we are displaying God’s loving and servant
heart to the world. We are showing others God’s character through our actions.
When we serve, we bring God’s kingdom to earth - how cool is that!?
Serving is an example
Jesus set for us to follow -
A few weeks ago at a worship and bible study group my
brother and I sometimes go to on a Saturday, we were reading in John 13:1-17.
The guy leading the session had said He had an “Easter surprise” for us, but
I’ll be honest with you, when I found out what it was – washing each other’s
feet – It wasn’t exactly the surprise I had hoped for! But reading John 13:1-17
together and washing each other’s feet, really showed me just how much of a
servant Jesus was when he washed his disciples’ feet. The thought of washing
someone else’s feet didn’t thrill me at all. But in Jesus’ time, feet were much
worse. Back then, people wouldn’t have had closed shoes – they would most
likely have worn open-toed sandals, and their feet would have been covered in
sand and dust from the dirt roads. The job of washing the guests’ feet would
have gone to the lowest slaves. But that didn’t stop Jesus. He got up from the
table at the last supper with his friends before his death, took off his robe
and washed his disciples’ feet. He took on the role of a lowly servant. And
here is the key part of the passage I want to look at, in John 13:14-15– “If I
then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one
another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have
done to you.” Our Lord and saviour bent down to wash His disciples’ feet and
asks us to follow his example by bending down to help those in need. To do
those jobs that others might not want to do. To help those who need help. To
care for those who need caring for. Why? Because this is the example Jesus left
us, and he told us to follow that example. Mark 10:45 says – “For even the Son
of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom
for many.” If the Son of God came to serve, how much more should we be serving
Serving can make a
huge difference to someone’s life -
When I was 14, I had a paper round on my road, delivering
free papers each Thursday. To be honest, it wasn’t something I looked forward
to each week. But there were a few situations that came out of it, where I was
able to show something of Jesus to people, which made it worth it. One of these
situations occurred when I was nearing the end of my round. It was a freezing
day and it was extremely windy. I was delivering a paper to a house where a
very old lady was standing at the door holding onto the door frame and trying
to water her plants outside her door. She was a very elderly lady, and the wind
was so fierce that it looked like she was about to be blown away at any moment!
So I simply offered to water her plants for her. It took me less than 2 minutes
and she looked so grateful and shocked that I had helped her. I didn’t do much
at all, but I helped her and in return, I received a happiness only helping
others can bring. Sometimes it’s only the small things that make a huge
difference in people’s lives. Sometimes it’s just that little act of kindness
and being different to the rest of the world that will make people stop and
wonder what we have that the rest of the world doesn’t. What it is that makes
us care for others and think about others needs and not just our own. We live
in a very selfish and self-centred world, so being servant-hearted and wanting
to put others needs above your own is very rare. This makes serving a huge
opportunity for witnessing to others and showing them the love of God.
Serving is rewarding
There’s a quote I love which says, “No joy can equal the joy
of serving others.” This is so true! When we serve others, and show others a
part of Jesus, we receive a joy that comes from only serving Jesus and doing
things in His name. Not only do we receive the reward of joy, but our heavenly
Father also honours us when we obey Him and serve others. John 12:26
says, “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant
will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour.”
Thank you for reading and please leave a comment below on what you
thought of today’s post. I would love to hear your feedback and also receive
any questions you may have!
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Love in Christ,
Chloe xxx
Galatians 5:13 – “For you brethren, have been called to liberty;
only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve
one another.”
Well done! I like how you wrote down some of your own experiences. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. Sophie xx