He's in the waiting, He's never failing

When thinking and praying about what to write about for my next blog post, I felt God give me the song Take Courage by Kristene DiMarco and Philippians 1:6.  

 Philippians 1:6 says, “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ.” I wondered how this would fit with the song God had given me, but the more I thought about the lyrics, the more I realised exactly what message God wanted me to put across!

The end of one of the verses, and into the chorus of the song, goes:

Do not forget His great faithfulness,
He’ll finish all He’s begun

So take courage my heart,
Stay steadfast my soul,
He’s in the waiting, He’s in the waiting,
Hold onto your hope, as your triumph unfolds,
He’s never failing, He’s never failing.            

Sometimes it can be difficult to see God at work in our lives, or it may seem like He has left work unfinished. Maybe a non-Christian friend you have been praying for has become more interested in your faith, but then nothing more has come of it. Or maybe God has said that He will do something in your life, but you have been waiting for a long time and you are starting to doubt that God will do it, or you are starting to doubt that it was God who said it in the first place.

Sometimes when God promises something, there can be a long period of time where you are waiting before it happens. But what do you do in those moments? Do you doubt God, or do you trust that He will complete all that He has started in your life? The song says that God is in the waiting. In those times of waiting, God is there walking with you and working things out for your good. He will only make you wait if there is a reason for the waiting, so trust Him in the process. God’s timing is perfect, so He will make everything fall into place at the right time. The song also reminds us that He never fails – God has promised He will complete all the work He has started, so we can be confident that He will.

So I just want to encourage you with this short post, that if you are in a season of waiting on God - whether it’s waiting on God for something He has promised you, or whether its waiting for His direction and guidance - whatever it is that you are waiting on God for, know that He has promised that He will finish all the good work that He has begun in your life and remember that He is a faithful God who never breaks His promises, and never leaves us.
So take courage - He’s in the waiting, He’s never failing.

 Philippians 1:6 - "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ."

As a side note, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted for a few weeks now. I have decided to change how I do my blog, and rather than post every Friday, just post as and when God puts something on my heart to write on. When I started my blog, my first posts were things I am very passionate about, so I found them very easy to write. But recently I have found the posts a lot harder to write, as I feel like I have been more worried about getting a post out every Friday, rather than praying and waiting for what God wants me to write on. But don’t worry, I still plan on posting as regularly as possible J

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment below on what you thought of today’s post. I would love to hear your feedback and also receive any questions you may have!
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Love in Christ,
Chloe xxx


  1. Beautiful, thanks Chloe!
    Claire x

  2. Interesting...Thank you Chloe xx


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