Be Still
Be still. Rest here. Breathe in. Take it slow. I know life is hard, the Christian life not easy, but wait for the salvation of the L ORD , for the battles you face are His, not yours. Don't get so caught up in all the small things, all the worries and stresses and confusion that life brings. And don't try to handle things on your own. Instead, hold firmly to the Anchor that holds fast through every storm and Whose grace is enough and enough alone. When the waves come crashing over your head, hold firmly to hope and trust the One Who can calm the storm, the One Who can walk upon the waves. He will keep your head from slipping under, He won't let you drown - He's the One Who saves. Hide beneath the shadow of His wings, let Him cover you with His feathers. Let Him rejoice over you with gladness, and quiet you with His love, and know He'll go with you and before you forever. And as you head into battle, remember your part t...